Water quality.

The ice quality is depending on the water used for ice making. Water with a little content of minerals is unsuitable for ice making. The ice will be too sub cooled and will stick to the ice drum.

You can see the difference of the ice by clicking below

Icemaker running with poor water. (2 MB)
Notice the small "snowy" flakes.

Icemaker running with good water. (2 MB)
Crisp and large flakes.


Drinking water may contain up to 200 ppm (parts per million) salt according to EU drinking water directive 98/83/EC.

If the water contains more than 400 ppm yoiu can taste the salt. When making ice from fresh water the water must contain at least 20 ppm.

You can measure the salt content with a conductivity gauge

General figures:

Rain water: 0,05 mS.

Tap water: 0,25 mS.

Seawater (approx. 3% salt): 19,75 mS.

For ice making the conductivity must be at least 0,25 mS.

Contact BUUS for an offer for the right saltmixer for you particular iceflaker.

Learn more about conductivity here


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Buus Refrigeration A/S - Elsøvej 219 - DK-7900 Nykøbing Mors - Denmark - Tel. +45 9774 4033
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