Icemaker running with- and without 20 ppm salt.

The ice quality and overall perfomance is very much depending on the water quality.

If you use water with a low content of minerals the ice quality is very poor and the performance of the iceflaker is low.

If the water has a content of minimum 20 ppm salt the ice quality improves dramaticaly as yo can see on the second movie.

You can improve the water quality by using BUUS saltmixers Salt-01 or Salt-02. If the controls are delivered by BUUS it is prepared for Saltmixers. Ask Peter or Frank for a price.

Click to see a small movie of an iceflaker using rain water

Click to see a small movie of an iceflaker using rain water with 20 ppm salt added

In order to make a test you can use ordinary table salt. Use a spoonfull in the water tank and wait 10-15 minutes for the result.

- If the iceflaker has been running for a long period with poor water for icemaking it may take a few hours before the surface of the drum is clean.

BUUS FIP block ice maker.

This contanerized block ice maker is in Lagos, Nigeria.

Capacity: 9000 kg per 24 hours.

The blocks are 20 by 20 cm ( approx. 8"x8" ) and are cut in the desired length.

Click to see the movie of BUUS FIP block ice maker

Maximum performance from a PAF iceflaker.

If you use 3% saltwater and you have capacity enough you can produce a lot of ice on a ammonia iceflaker.

This movie shows a PAF iceflaker running at peak perfomance. It made 18000 kg in 24 hours.

Click to see the movie of the PAF making 18000 kg


Slurry ice on a SC drum

This iscemaker made approx. 2000 kg wet seawater ice for slurry ice. Mix. it with 70 to 80% seawater.

SC2000 making slurry ice





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